About Hicksville, New York
A great community for families, Hicksville is roughly 7 square miles and has more than 40,000 residents. You will experience a small-town feel in this Nassau County hamlet, with homes taking up the majority of square footage. However, on the north side of Hicksville is the very popular Broadway Commons. With more than 100 stores, a movie theatre, restaurants, and fast food stops, you and your family can easily spend your day shopping and having fun without having to travel more than a few minutes from home.
Enjoy More Time With Pick Up Laundry Service
For people looking to save time in their week, pick up laundry service has been quickly gaining popularity. The best company for laundry pickup in Hicksville is Spin Sudz. We provide fast 24 hour turnaround time for our wash and fold service. When you sign up with us, you get to choose everything from the water temperature to how we fold your clothes. It’s easy to set up your laundry preferences and get started with weekly laundry service. We’ll pick up your dry cleaning too. Give us 72 hours and your suits and jackets will be cleaned and delivered back to your home.
So if you live in Hicksville, NY you can remove laundry or dropping off the dry cleaning from your to-do list. Spin Sudz has you covered.
Sign up for laundry pickup today!